Shelchkova ND, Downey JE, Greenspon CM, Okorokova EV, Sobinov AR, Verbaarschot C, He Q, Sponheim C, Tortolani ER, Moore DD, Kaufman MR, Lee RC, Satzer D, Gonzalez-Martinez J, Warnke PC, Miller LM, Boninger ML, Gaunt RA, Collinger JL, Hatsopoulos NG, Bensmaia SJ (2023) Microstimulation of human somatosensory cortex evokes task-dependent, spatially patterned responses in motor cortex Nature Communications
Safaie M, Chang JC, Park J, Miller LE, Dudman JT, Perich MG, Gallego JA (2023) Preserved neural dynamics across animals performing similar behaviour Nature
Rizzoglio F, Altan E, Ma X, Bodkin KL, Dekleva BK, Solla SA, Kennedy A, Miller LE (2023) From monkeys to humans: observation-based EMG brain–computer interface decoders for humans with paralysis Journal of Neural Engineering
Ma X, Rizzoglio F, Bodkin KL, Perreault E, Miller LE, Kennedy A (2023) Using adversarial networks to extend brain computer interface decoding accuracy over time eLife
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Greenspon CM, Shelchkova ND, Valle G, Hobbs TG, Berger-Wolf EI, Hutchison BC, Dogruoz E, Verbarschott C, Callier T, Sobinov AR, Okorokova EV, Jordan PM, Prasad D, He Q, Liu F, Kirsch RF, Miller JP, Lee RC, Satzer D, Gonzalez-Martinez J, Warnke PC, Miller LE, Boninger ML, Ajiboye AB, Graczyk EL, Downey JE, Collinger JL, Hatsopoulos NG, Gaunt RA, Bensmaia SJ (2023) Tessellation of artificial touch via microstimulation of human somatosensory cortex bioRxiv
Hernandez-Pavon JC, Schneider-Garces N, Begnoche JP, Miller LE, Raij T (2023) Targeted Modulation of Human Brain Interregional Effective Connectivity With Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface
Miller, LE (2023) Restoring Movement Following Spinal Cord Injury: What Can (And Can’t) Be Done Now AAAS Annual Meeting
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Wen S, Yin A, Furlanello T, Perich MG, Miller LE, Itti L (2023) Rapid adaptation of brain–computer interfaces to new neuronal ensembles or participants via generative modelling Nature Biomedical Engineering
Vargas AM, Bisi A, Chiappa AS, Versteeg C, Miller LE, Mathis A (2023) Task-driven neural network models predict neural dynamics of proprioception bioRxiv
Altan E, Ma X, Miller LE, Perreault EJ, Solla SA (2023) Low-dimensional neural manifolds for the control of constrained and unconstrained movements bioRxiv
Rodriguez AC, Perich MG, Miller LE, Humphries MD (2023) Motor cortex latent dynamics encode arm movement direction and urgency independently bioRxiv
Chang JC, Perich MG, Miller LE, Gallego JA, Clopath C (2023) De novo motor learning creates structure in neural activity space that shapes adaptation biorRxiv
Greenspon CM, Valle G, Hobbs T, Verbaarschot C, Callier T, Schelchkova N, Sobinov A, Jordan P, Weiss JM, Fitzgerald E, Prasad D, van Driesche A, Lee R, Satzer D, Gonzalez-Martinez J, Warnke P, Miller LE, Boninger M, Collinger J, Gaunt R, Hatsopoulos R, Downey JE, Bensmaia SJ (2023) Biomimetic Multi-channel Microstimulation of Somatosensory Cortex Conveys High Resolution Force Feedback for Bionic Hands bioRxiv
Shelchkova N, Downey J, Greenspon C, Okorokova E, Sobinov A, Miller L, Gaunt R, Collinger J, Hatsopoulos N, Bensmaia S (2023) Microstimulation of human somatosensory cortex evokes task-dependent, spatially patterned responses in motor cortex Brain Stimulation
Rodriguez AC, Perich MG, Miller LE, Humphries MD(2023) Motor cortex latent dynamics encode arm movement direction and urgency independently bioRxiv
Perich MG, Miller LE, Humphries MD (2023) Motor cortex latent dynamics encode arm movement direction and urgency independently Europe PMC
Makin TR, Micera S, Miller LE(2023) Neurocognitive and motor-control challenges for the realization of bionic augmentation Nature Biomedical Engineering
Kudryashova N, Perich M, Miller LE, Hennig M (2023) Ctrl-TNDM: Decoding feedback-driven movement corrections from motor cortex neurons Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne) 2023
Jude J, Perich MG, Miller LE, Hennig MH (2023) Capturing cross-session neural population variability through self-supervised identification of consistent neuron ensembles Proceedings of Machine Learning Research
Burton A, Wang Z, Song D, Tran S, Hanna J, Bakall J, Clausen D, Anderson J, Peralta R, Sandepudi K, Benedetto A, Yang E, Basrai D, Miller L, Tresch M, Gutruf P (2022) A high power, fully implanted and battery free platform for chronic functional electrical stimulation enabled by passive resonator antenna design Nature Portfolio
Hernandez-Pavon JC, Schneider-Garces N, Begnoche JP, Miller LE, Raij R (2022) Targeted Modulation of Human Brain Interregional Effective Connectivity With Spike-timing Dependent Plasticity Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface
Awasthi P, Lin TH, Bae J, Miller LE, Danziger ZC(2022) Validation of a non-invasive, real-time, human-in-the-loop model of intracortical brain-computer interfaces Journal of Neural Engineering
Feulner B, Perich MG, Chowdhury RH, Miller LE, Gallego JA, Clopath C (2022) Small, correlated changes in synaptic connectivity may facilitate rapid motor learning Nature Communications
Makin TR, Micera S, Miller LE (2022) Neurocognitive and motor-control challenges for the realization of bionic augmentation Nature Biomedical Engineering
Gallego-Carracedo C, Perich MG, Chowdhury RH, Miller LE, Gallego JA (2022) Local field potentials reflect cortical population dynamics in a region-specific and frequency-dependent manner eLife
Jude J, Perich MG, Miller LE, Hennig MH (2022) Capturing cross-session neural population variability through self-supervised identification of consistent neuron ensembles arXiv
Sombeck J, Heye J, Kumaravelu K, Goetz S, Peterchev AV, Grill WM, Bensmaia SJ, Miller LE (2022) Characterizing the short-latency evoked response to intracortical microstimulation across a multi-electrode array J. Neural Eng. 19 026044
Wimalasena LN, Braun J, Keshtkaran MR, Hofmann D, Gallego JA, Alessandro C, Tresch M, Miller LE, Pandarinath C (2022) Estimating muscle activation from EMG using deep learning-based dynamical systems models biorRxiv
Jude J, Perich MG, Miller LE, Hennig MH(2022) Robust alignment of cross-session recordings of neural population activity by behaviour via unsupervised domain adaptation arXiv
Versteeg C, Miller LE (2022) Dynamical Feedback Control: Motor Cortex as an Optimal Feedback Controller Based on Neural Dynamics preprints
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Kumaravelu K, Sombeck J, Miller LE, Bensmaia SJ, Grill WM (2022) Stoney vs. Histed: Quantifying the spatial effects of intracortical microstimulation Brain Stimulation 15 (1): 141-151
Altan E, Solla SA, Miller LE, Perreault EJ (2021) Estimating the dimensionality of the manifold underlying multi-electrode neural recordings PLoS Computational Biology 17(11): e1008591
Wen S, Yin A, Furlanello T, Perich MG, Miller LE, Itti L (2021) Rapid adaptation of brain–computer interfaces to new neuronal ensembles or participants via generative modelling Nature Biomedical Engineering (2021)
Suresh AK, Greenspon CM, He Q, Rosenow JM, Miller LE, Bensmaia SJ (2021) Sensory computations in the cuneate nucleus of macaques Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118: e2115772118
Wimalasena LN, Braun JF, Keshtkaran MR, Hofmann D, Gallego JA, Alessandro C, Tresch MC, Miller LE, Pandarinath C (2021) Estimating muscle activation from EMG using deep learning-based dynamical systems models bioRxiv
Pei F, Ye J, Zoltowski D, Wu A, Chowdhury RH, Sohn H, O'Doherty JE, Shenoy KV, Kaufman MT, Churchland M, Jazayeri M, Miller LE, Pillow J, Park IM, Dyer EL, Pandarinath C (2021) Neural Latents Benchmark'21: Evaluating latent variable models of neural population activity arXiv
Hurwitz CL, Srivastava A, Xu K, Jude J, Perich M, Miller LE, Hennig MH (2021) Targeted Neural Dynamical Modeling Thirty-Fifth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
Ma X, Bodkin KL, Miller LE (2021) Population Activity in Motor Cortex is Influenced by the Contexts of the Motor Behavior 10th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER)
Versteeg C, Rosenow JM, Bensmaia SJ, Miller LE (2021) Encoding of limb state by single neurons in the cuneate nucleus of awake monkeys Journal of Neurophysiology
Versteeg C, Chowdhury RH, Miller LE (2021) Cuneate nucleus: The somatosensory gateway to the brain Current Opinion in Physiology 2021, 21:206–215
Gallego-Carracedo C, Perich MG, Chowdhury RH, Miller LE, Gallego JA (2021) Local field potentials reflect cortical population dynamics in a region-specific and frequency-dependent manner bioRxiv
Keshtkaran MR, Sedler AR, Chowdhury RH, Tandon R, Basrai D, Nguyen SL, Sohn H, Jazayeri M, Miller LE, Pandarinath C (2021) A large-scale neural network training framework for generalized estimation of single-trial population dynamics bioRxiv
Kumaravelu K, Tomlinson T, Callier T, Sombeck JT, bioRxiv SJ, Miller LE, Grill W (2020) A comprehensive model-based framework for optimal design of biomimetic patterns of electrical stimulation for prosthetic sensation JNE-103584.R2
Glaser JI, Benjamin AS, Chowdhury RH, Perich MG, Miller LE, Kording KP (2020) Machine learning for neural decoding eNeuro 0506-19
Wimalasena LN, Miller LE, Pandarinath C (2020) From unstable input to robust output Nature Biomedical Engineering 4 (7), 665-667
Gallego JA, Perich MG, Chowdhury RH, Solla SA, Miller LE (2020) Long-term stability of cortical population dynamics underlying consistent behavior Nature Neuroscience, 1-11
Chowdhury RH, Glaser JI, Miller LE (2020) Area 2 of primary somatosensory cortex encodes kinematics of the whole arm eLife 9
Sombeck JT, Miller LE (2019) Short reaction times in response to multi-electrode intracortical microstimulation may provide a basis for rapid movement-related feedback Journal of neural engineering 17 (1), 016013
Barroso FO, Yoder B, Tentler D, Wallner JJ, Kinkhabwala AA, Jantz MK, Flint RD, Tostado PM, Pei E, Satish ADR, Brodnick SK, Suminski AJ, Williams JC, Miller LE, Tresch MC (2019) Decoding neural activity to predict rat locomotion using intracortical and epidural arrays Journal of neural engineering 16 (3), 036005
Lucas A, Tomlinson T, Rohani N, Chowdhury RH, Solla SA, Katsaggelos AK, Miller LE (2019) Deep Neural Networks for Modeling Neural Spiking in S1 Cortex Frontiers in systems neuroscience 13, 13
Naufel S, Glaser JI, Kording KP, Perreault EJ, Miller LE (2019) A muscle-activity-dependent gain between motor cortex and EMG Journal of Neurophysiology 121(1): 61-73
Farshchian A, Gallego JA, Cohen JP, Bengio Y, Miller LE, Solla SA (2019) Adversarial domain adaptation for stable brain-machine interfaces International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)
Lawlor PN, Perich MG, Miller LE, Kording KP (2018) Linear-nonlinear-time-warp-poisson models of neural activity Journal of Computational Neuroscience 45(3): 173-191
Perich MG, Gallego JA, Miller LE (2018) A neural population mechanism for rapid learning Neuron 100(4): 964-76
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Dekleva BM, Kording KP, Miller LE (2018) Single reach plans in dorsal premotor cortex during a two-target task Nature Communications 9(1): 3556
Glaser JI, Perich MG, Ramkumar P, Miller LE, Kording KP (2018) Population coding of conditional probability distributions in dorsal premotor cortex Nature Communications 9(1): 1788
Brill NA, Naufel SN, Polasek K, Ethier C, Cheesborough J, Agnew S, Miller LE, Tyler DJ (2018) Evaluation of high-density, multi-contact nerve cuffs for activation of grasp muscles in monkeys Journal of Neural Engineering 15(3)
Benjamin AS, Fernandes HL, Tomlinson T, Ramkumar P, VerSteeg C, Chowdhury RH, Miller LE, Kording KP (2018) Modern machine learning as a benchmark for fitting neural responses Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 12: 56
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Dyer EL, Gheshlaghi Azar M, Perich MG, Fernandes HL, Naufel S, Miller LE, Kording KP (2017) A cryptography-based approach for movement decoding Nature Biomedical Engineering 1(12):967-976
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Chowdhury RH, Tresch MC, Miller LE (2017) Musculoskeletal geometry accounts for apparent extrinsic representation of paw position in dorsal spinocerebellar tract Journal of Neurophysiology 118(1):234-242
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